
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Do you think ur getting Psycho ???

Do you think u r getting crazy ??

Do you have thoughts inside your mind getting u mad ??!!

Do your family or close ones advice you to go see a shrink ??!!

Do you think ur sick or diseased and want to seek for a medical help ??!!

If the answer is YES .. then you have to know that you are in your way to enter an endless cycle with your own will ..

You wanna know why ??!! because according to Martin Paul in his book "The sickening mind" it's your own mind who can turn u sick !!! So if you followed the first step , which shrinks see as a good step , which is to admit that u r sick .. then u r making the situation worse , not better !!!
Since the therapy for such disorders depends mainly on the behavioral guidance , not on the medical drugs (as the effect of "placebo" were reported ) , then the first step of shrinks of giving patients medical drugs (which themselves r not sure of its results) , is completly a wrong begining as it decrease the psychological immunity, and forcing them to drugs makes it even worse ..

Some would ask , why is it wrong ?!! isn't it the truth that I'm sick? then why deny it ?!!
Here comes the second problem of misunderstanding .. Scientists through all human history used to create what's called "Ideal figure" .. it have been always helping them to measure their results to something constant , but they themselves knew that this "Ideal figure" doesn't even exist .. and psychology as a branch of science has it's own "Ideal figures" .. But hey .. those figures never existed and never will exist !! Cause we are HUMANS ... so they can't just judge us according to such limited knowledge .. even Phroid's Classifications & other's theories make the psychological science missing lots of other things .. And here comes the answer "NO ..YOU ARE NOT SICK " !!!
If it's not a desease .. then what is it ?? ... The ignorance of some simple troubles makes us see it as a disaster !! Did you ever thought that measels was once a deadly disease ??! .. It's the same idea ... They don't know nothing about human psychology patterns !! Do you think that human psychology patterns are less than viruses species ??!! Then why is a simple Microbiology book bigger than a psychology one ??!!!

Yes you are facing a trouble .. but it's not a desease !! it's just something special .. only for u , at least in the surrounding people around u .. cause if some one else around have known the solution , u would have known it too !!! This is simply what's going on .. If nobody taught u how to use the computer , would u have ever learned it by urself ??!! if u didn't see anybody fastening their shoes , whould u have done it ??!! what about ur inner self ?? is it less complicated than these things ??!! ofcourse not ... so Yes , it's a trouble that you r facing .. and Yes , it's solution exists .. but it's not near by , cause if it was .. it wouldn't reach to make u doubt that ur getting crazy !!!
What should you do ??!!! It's simple ... Search for the solution ... of the first problem that started all these series of thoughts .. Search but not near ... Search far .. real far from u , Books that u've always hated may have the answer ... or just , share it here with us !! ;)


Anonymous said...

your my good friend always and forever .. i hope you find everything u could ever want or need ...

... your friend forever ...
..... lover always jessie...

Anonymous said...

your words remind me by the famous qoute which said ((no nails can scratch my back as my nails)),when u look to our defence mechanisms which allah created inside us u feel no thing matter cause we have it all inside,mano thanks for your shining mind ,and i wish always learn from u ,cause u re ayn3am homa.... :),but u re somtimes light the way for others.


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